"Persons attempting to find a motive in this blog post will be prosecuted; persons attempting to find a moral in it will be banished; persons attempting to find a plot in it will be shot."
—Mark Twain
Welcome back to the May-June edition of the historical fiction round
table discussion. After a short hiatus we're back with an interesting and diverse panel
of authors, each with their own unique perspective and insight. If you have a
specific question for any of our panelists, please enter them in the comments
section below and we will attempt to get an answer for you (and not just on
Wikipedia). To learn more about an author and their books please click on their
name and you will be taken directly to their Amazon author page. So pour
yourself a cup of coffee, or if the hour permits, an adult beverage of your
choice. Chocolates are encouraged but not always mandatory. Good humor is
mandatory, but not always encouraged. And so, without further ado, let me
to introduce our panel of authors:
our panel:
Tamara Eaton is a "western woman" who lives in the wide open spaces of
America’s desert southwest, the setting of her work. Weeping Women Springs is her first novel and her forthcoming project,
The Waiting Shadows, recently won
first place in the Ink and Insights Writing Contest.
Alison Morton is the author of RETALIO, the
sixth book in the Roma Nova thriller
series featuring
modern Praetorian heroines. She blends her deep love of Roman history with six
years’ military service, an MA in history, blogging and drinking wine in France
with her husband of 30 years.
Cindy Thomson is the author of 8 books, including her newest novel, Pages of Ireland, the second book in her
Daughters of Ireland series. She also
writes genealogy articles for Internet Genealogy and Your Genealogy Today
magazines, and short stories for Clubhouse Magazine.
Kerry Lynne is the author of The Pirate
Captain, Chronicles of a Legend and Nor
Silver the 2013, 2014 Next Generation Indie Book Historical Fiction
Finalist Award. Kerry is a native of Michigan, a former teacher with a lifelong
interest in history, writing and sailing.
Shelly Talcott is a prolific author who writes in several genres but finds historical
fiction her favorite. A lifelong Midwesterner, she feels a sweeping familiarity
with the plains and the people who call it home. She loves history, reading,
writing, animals and a well-told ghost story, but not necessarily in that
Panelists, thanks for joining us! (Heart emoji) Please start by
telling us where you were born:
Eaton: Montpelier, Idaho
Morton: Tunbridge Wells, UK (a former spa town)
Thomson: Ft. Riley, Kansas
Lynne: Pontiac, Michigan,
Talcott : Walsh Colorado
What is the first book you read that took
you to another time and place?
Eaton: Charlotte’s Web took me to another place where magic happened in
words spun by a spider.
Morton: Heidi by Johanna Spyri. There I was on the high alp, with
the goats, the mountain, the air.
Thomson: A time slip story set in
New England where a present-day boy finds a message scrawled inside a dresser
drawer from a boy who lived during the time of the pilgrims. The idea that the
past could intermingle with the present was planted in my mind back then and
inspired me to learn more about history.
Lynne: It’s a tie between Walter
Farley’s Black Stallion series, and Jim Kjelgaard’s Big Red books.
Talcott: The Crystal Cave by Mary
Stewart. AMAZING! It was like winning the lottery when I found that book in the
library…maybe even slightly better.
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Charlotte's Web, with its beautiful, evocative pictures by Garth Williams, has been influencing generations of children. |
Who is the first writer that inspired you
to become a historical novelist?
Eaton: Anya Seton is the first historical
author I had to read. I loved learning about historical people and events in
story form.
Morton: Robert Harris, author of Fatherland
Thomson: One of the first was Jane
Lynne: James Michener’s Hawaii and Margaret Mitchell’s Gone with the Wind were my two all-time
favorite historical novels (I read them every summer from about 5th
grade on).
Talcott: Again Mary Stewart. Even
though the King Arthur legend isn’t what some people would call “historically”
accurate or even provable, it still took me to another time period and made me
want to tell stories that take place in the past.
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Robert Harris is one of the greatest living writers of historical fiction. |
What are you reading right now?
Eaton: Bruce Holsinger’s A Burnable Book—well researched and well
written novel set in Chaucer’s England. Chaucer features as a secondary
character, but the poet John Gower is the main character.
Morton: I just finished Hero
of Rome by Douglas Jackson – fabulous writing! On to the next in series.
Thomson: I’m listening to an
audiobook: The Huntress of Thornbeck
Forest by Melanie Dickerson
Lynne: I’m
vacillating between the Poldark
series and Patrick O’Brian (it seems I can’t get away from the series, doesn’t
Talcott: Obsession by John Douglas. I have a huge variety of interests when
it comes to reading so right now I’m reading a true crime but next week it might
be a biography or a novel.
In your opinion, what
are the necessary ingredients that create a breakout novel?
Eaton: A breakout novel in the historical
genre needs to be well-written and well-researched with characters that come
alive for the reader no matter what time period they are portraying.
Morton: Luck, plus obviously a commercially attractive,
perfectly written and topically themed book.
Thomson: Relatable characters, a
plot that keeps readers turning the pages, and descriptions that make a reader
feel as though they are actually in the story, experiencing what the characters
are experiencing.
Lynne: First and foremost, it has to
be “novel.” The author needs to find a way to make the work unique, a stand-out
from all others, while at the same time not being so different as to be
unpalatable to the reader.
Talcott: Fragile, slightly
flawed characters. People that we can relate to. People that when we read we
can either ‘become’ them or really feel strong emotions about them. Whether the
emotions we feel are positive or negative does not matter so long as it makes
your heart literally pound and your stomach get butterflies. A story that you
think about for days or long after you finished reading it.
In your opinion, what
causes a novel to fall flat?
Eaton: If the characters don’t grab me,
or there are long sections where nothing happens I soon lose interest. The
story must pull me forward so I want to know what happens next (even if I know
the historical events which transpired). The characters acting or speaking in
modern ways throws me out of a story.
Morton: Being outside a commercial genre, plus poor writing, a
boring story and sloppy research.
Thomson: Too much description, a cast of characters that is difficult to follow
and understand.
Lynne: Flat characters. There’s no
story working with cardboard cut-outs.
Talcott: When characters are too
flat, when they lack depth. We all have such complexities to our character. No
one is completely ‘good’ and most people aren’t completely ‘bad’, so if a story
is made up of people that are entirely predictable and one-sided then it’s hard
for me to relate. If every bad guy or gal is always bad and never
has any guilt or empathy and every ‘good’ guy or gal never thinks or does
anything shocking or wrong then the story won’t work for me.
If you could go back in history and
relive an event, what would it be?
Eaton: When I think of going back to a
time period, I’m intrigued with the women’s suffrage movement and their
diligence over the years to reach their goal.
Morton: So many! I would love to have heard Cicero speak. Yes,
he was a famous lawyer and orator, but his influence on Latin language and literature
was so immense that his ideas, style and form resonated through European
languages, especially prose, for the next two millennia. A lot of our academic
approach today reflects his style.
Thomson: Tough question! I had to think on this awhile. History is often
chronicled by tragedies and wars, and who wants to back to that. Learn from
them, yes, but relive? Nope. But there are things that we can’t experience
anymore that I would like to relive. I would like to see America as the first Pilgrims saw it, unspoiled. As for an event, I will just pick one of many. I
think I would have liked to witness the voting and debate of the Declaration of
Independence. There must have been a mix of pride and anxiety in that room.
Lynne: The more I study history, the
more I realize I want no part of going back to live it. At the same time, we also
have to realize that fifty years from now, WE’LL be history.
Talcott: Wow! I love this
question. There are so many though that it’s hard to choose. When WWII ended. I
think that would have been an amazing day to experience.
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To portray America through the eyes of the Pilgrims would be a fantastic feat for any historical novelist. |
What do you think are the historical
periods we’ll be reading about in 2017 and beyond?
Eaton: I think WWII is popular and
continues to be, but I also think people will go farther back to the late 19th
century and early 20th centuries. Of course the Tudor period still holds its
sway over readers.
Morton: Probably 20th century, plus some 19th
century as this is what the main publishing houses are producing.
Thomson: I don’t know, but I hope it
will include some different eras. In my opinion as a reader there has been an
onslaught of WWII and Civil War. I would like to see more set in the Middle
Ages, especially the early non-British Middle Ages, more in the American
Revolutionary Era, and perhaps more pre-Depression 1920’s.
Lynne: Well, in one of the writing groups I belong to, I saw
someone talk about the historical fiction they were writing which took place in
the 1970’s. Is it really “history” if we actually lived it?
Talcott : The Tudor period, The
Elizabethan period, WWII era, the list goes on and on. I’ve come across several
new historical novels that I’m dying to read. One takes place in ancient Rome
and the other takes place on the Titanic so I will be traveling all over time.
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American history from the 1970's will soon become part of the "historical fiction" pantheon. |
What is the hardest thing about starting
a new writing project?
Eaton: The first thing that comes to mind
is finishing it. LOL But actually creating a new world unless it’s something
I’ve written about before.
Morton: Realizing the first 10 words are only the first 10 of
Thomson: For me it’s plotting. I can
easily get characters and a setting I like, but only a bit of the plot. Working
out at least a rough outline before I write beyond the first chapter is
helpful, maybe even critical for me, but I am at heart a seat-of-the-pants
non-plotting writer so it’s a bit of a struggle.
Lynne: I have been living and working with (more
or less) the same characters for over a decade, so my biggest problem in
starting a new work is waiting for one of them to step forward and say “Start
Talcott: For me it’s focusing on
one thing. I will start writing one book but all these other ideas and
characters just keep popping in my head so I find myself grabbing three or four
notebooks and starting on several stories at once when I should be focusing on
the one so I can finish it.
How has writing about history changed
your perspective about history?
Eaton: In some ways I’m astounded about
how little we know of everyday lives of people who lived within a hundred years
ago, let alone the more distant past, but the biggest lesson is there are
multiple views of any event.
Morton: It hasn’t really changed it. The academic recording
and study of history is a fully fact based approach and historical fiction an
interpretive one. Events happened in the past and history is our attempt to
examine it. Although there are factual markers here and there, we’ll never really know what happened.
Thomson: It has taught me that we should pay attention. There are so many
lessons applicable to today if we will only look. There is truth in that old
adage of history repeating itself.
Lynne: I’ve
learned that, through the millennium, we, as human beings, haven’t changed that
much. We have the same hopes, fears, desires, motivations and needs as we did
at any other point in time. I guess that’s why we keep making the same
Talcott: I think I use to
romanticize history quite a bit. But when you write a historical novel you have
to research the time period and you learn things that are not very appealing.
So, for me, learning some of the things I did from my research was like
learning a magician’s tricks. Sometimes the ‘magic’ is best left a bit in the
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The more you learn about history the more you see the less appealing aspects of it. |
Why did you choose
your era?
Eaton: I’ve written a WWII era novel and
currently I’m writing one set in the late 19th/early 20th centuries.
Morton: I’ve been a serious ‘Roman nut’ since I walked on my
first mosaic at the age of eleven. I chose alternative history because I wanted
to explore the ‘what if’ of women running a Roman society and doing daring
deeds within it.
Thomson: I first became interested in the early Christian period of Ireland years
ago when I attended an Irish festival and saw a display on St. Brigid. While
I’ve written in other time periods (all history fascinates me) this time period
seems to inspire me the most.
Lynne: Hmm, the mid-18th Century chose me. I wanted to write about
pirates and I had a FMC who was a Jacobite War vetern. There wasn’t much
Talcott: I have always been fascinated by Henry VIII. Since I can remember I would find the nearest
library and check out every book on him and his wives. I think for me it was
natural to choose the Tudor court as my setting because it has been in my
imagination for so long.
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The Roman Era will always capture readers' imaginations. |
What is your favorite “writing drink”?
Eaton: Iced water in summer or herbal tea
in winter.
Morton: Tea
Thomson: Tea
Lynne: Dark
n’ Stormy (first drank at The Pirate House in Savannah.)
Talcott : Kombucha tea. LOVE it!
GT Kombucha Trilogy. I always get some when I’m getting ready to write. If I
don’t have any then I make sure to feel sorry for myself for a while then pick
up extra the next day to make up for missing it the night before.
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It's no wonder some writers love to partake of a "Dark & Stormy". |
What is your favorite “writing snack”?
Eaton: I usually don’t snack while I’m eating…chocolate!
Morton: Chocolate (How predictable!)
Thomson: Fruit, nuts, popcorn…anything that doesn’t take long to prepare.
Lynne: Anything
that can be eaten with one hand (so I can keep writing with the other.)
Talcott : I’m not as picky on the writing snacks as I am about my writing
drink. Anything I can grab quick and just eat while writing. A secret about
myself I hate cooking. HATE it! So it has to be something already made or ready
to eat.
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Mixed nuts is the snack of choice of many historical novelists. |
Which authors have
influenced you the most and why?
Eaton: Barbara Kingsolver has been a big
influence on my writing, because she writes a great story with a bent toward
both education and social change without becoming preachy about her topics.
Morton: How long a list do you want? From childhood, Rosemary
Sutcliff (The Eagle of the Ninth), C
S Lewis (Narnia), Anthony Hope (The Prisoner of Zenda), Georgette Heyer,
Dennis Wheatly, Leslie Charteris, Frank Yerby, Jean Plaidy, Anya Seton. Now,
William Boyd (Restless), all the
current Roman writers. I’m an adventure loving old romantic, really…
Thomson: C.S. Lewis because of his
clarity in describing Christianity, Liz Curtis Higgs for her vivid descriptions
of 18th century Scotland, Jane Kirkpatrick for the way she takes
real events in history and fictionalizes them, Jules Verne for being so ahead
of his time, E.B. White because I still marvel over Charlotte’s Web.
Lynne: Diana Gabaldon has been my
greatest influence. She was the first one which made me say “I wanna write like
this!” She was also the first to give me permission to write the way my
instincts wished, as opposed to how others were telling me to. Her influence
has continued over the years in a number of ways.
Talcott : Mary Stewart because she is so
descriptive and her characters have such depth that I can lose myself
completely in her stories. I also love Edgar Allan Poe for his dreamy and dark
writing, and William Shakespeare, because there’s something about unrequited
love that just rips my heart to shreds and leaves me thinking about the
characters long after the book is over. I could name a dozen more that I love
and the great thing is new authors are emerging every day so the thought of
discovering new favorites is extremely exciting as well.
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Diana Gabaldon continues to inspire many historical novelists. |
What is your favorite historical movie?
Eaton: The King’s Speech was one of my recent favorites because I’ve
worked with people with speech difficulties and this was a piece of recent
history which inspired me to shed light on lesser known historical events.
Morton: It’s a toss-up between Ben Hur and Gladiator.
Thomson: Rob Roy
Lynne: Gone with the Wind. I realize all
the flaws and anachronisms, but it was the one which really showed me the scope
and sweep of history.
Talcott: Elizabeth with Cate Blanchett. I also like Zeffirelli’s Romeo and Juliet.
If you could have
dinner with any historical personage, who would it be and why?
Eaton: based on my recent research for my
current novel, I’d spend some time with Mother Jones [Editor’s note: Mary
Harris “Mother” Jones (1837-1930) was an Irish born American schoolteacher and
dressmaker who became a prominent labor representative and community organizer.
] She must have had a fascinating life and was an inspiration to so many during
the coal strikes. If not her, I’d dine with suffragettes Alice Stone Blackwell
and her mother Lucy Stone.
Morton: Hypatia of Alexandria. She was the head of the
Neoplatonic school of philosophy as well as a renowned mathematician and
astronomer. She’d probably think I was a dunce, but I’d risk it. Tragically,
she was killed by a Christian mob in 415 AD.
Thomson: I think I’d choose C.S. Lewis. I’d love to hear what his group of
writer buddies, the Inklings, discussed in Oxford.
Lynne: There’s
a guy named Benjamin Stephenson. He fought in the French-and-Indian and the Revolutionary War, was a keel boat captain, was press-ganged by the Royal
Navy, was a founding father of Illinois, was a familiar with all the “names” of
the day, and had a bride who was ten-years-old. I think he would be fascinating
to talk to.
Talcott: Probably Mae West.
Dinner would definitely be interesting. I don’t think there has ever been or
ever will be anyone as witty and comfortable in their skin as Mae was. Yes I
would love to have dinner with her.
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No doubt dinner with Mae West would be an unforgettable experience. |
Where do you go for inspiration? Do you travel?
Eaton: We travel each year to New Mexico
and South Dakota. My inspiration often visits me in New Mexico, the terrain
sends my imagination soaring to the past because it’s so easy to imagine the
wagon trains traveling the plains and coming to the mountains where they turned
south along the range.
Morton: I’ve clambered over the ruins of much of Roman Europe.
Always inspiring to touch something that somebody made two thousand years ago
or walk on marble slabs in a forum where great as well as small events took
place. Imagine the fascinating conversations in the public shared loos in
Ancient Rome!
Thomson: Ireland inspires me, and I’d go
back there right away if I could. There are other places I’d like to go as
well, such as Wales. But nature in general inspires me so taking a walk outside
works too.
Lynne: We
sail on the Great Lakes every summer. That’s a great inspiration for this
particular endeavor.
Talcott: I don’t travel much.
Someday I would love to but right now the opportunity hasn’t presented itself.
For inspiration I read, watch movies, day dream, or even just watch people. I
can look at someone usually a stranger and a whole story starts forming in my
head. I know that sound insane. I’m sure Miss West will have something
uncensored to say about that during our dinner conversation.
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To write her Daughters of Ireland series, Cindy has traveled all the way to the Emerald Isle. |
Have you ever bought a historical novel
based on the cover? If so, what was it that drew you in?
Eaton: I’m more of a blurb person than a
cover person. If the cover gives me the flavor of the period, it will catch my
attention so that I will read the blurb and if that hooks me, I’m sold.
Morton: No and yes. A cover attracts, but then I read the back
cover and a few paragraphs inside. All three have to work; the cover alone
isn’t enough for me.
Thomson: No. A cover might attract me,
but I would not buy the book without first looking inside.
Lynne: Good
heavens, I don’t think so. I’d like to think I’m not that gullible. Neither do
I get hooked in by all those “raves” on the cover. My method is to randomly
open the book and read. Much better guide!
Talcott: Many times. The colors draw me in, reds especially and if the picture
on the front looks dreamy or a little spooky or sad I usually look again. I’m
also drawn to pictures where the scenery or the character or characters on the
front look like there’s a storm or wind around them. Maybe that’s a Kansas
thing. It’s always windy here.
Readers: thanks for joining us on this latest
installment of historical fiction round table. If you have a specific
question for any of our panelists, please enter them in the comments section
below. To learn more about the authors, please click on their names above
and you will be directed to their Amazon author page where all their books are
listed. Check back here later in the summer for the next installment!